Friday, February 29, 2008

Bloom Taxonomy Questions


1.How many people are living in the small apartment with Bigger?
There are 4 people living in the apartment, Bigger, Vera, Buddy, and Ma.


2.What do you think would have happened if Bigger and the gang robbed Old Blum?
If Bigger and the gang robbed Old Blum I think they would have gotten caught because Gus would have done something wrong since he was so nervous and they would end up in jail?


3. What questions would you ask Bigger if you were Mr. Dalton after Mary went missing?
If I was Mr. Dalton I would want to know everything Mary and Jan did that night, every place they went, how much they drank, what they talked about and what time they got back.


4. What was the turning point for Bigger when he didn’t feel “fear” anymore?
I think that the turning point for bigger is after he killed Mary because he felt power for the first time. I believe he felt power because not only did he kill someone but also he killed a white woman and no one would think a black man would have the courage to do that.


5. What would you have done different than Bigger when he brought Mary home that night and killed?

The night Bigger killed Mary I would have done everything different. When Mrs. Dalton came into the room I think the whole thing could have been avoided simply by telling Mrs. Dalton the truth. He could have just said that Mary was out with Jan and she got drunk and couldn’t make it up the stairs by herself so he carried her to the room. I think Mrs. Dalton would have understood and everything would have been ok. Since Bigger decided different he created more problems for himslef because when they found out Bigger was in Marys room not only would he be acused of murder but they would acuse him of rape. Not just any rape, raping a white woman.


6. How would you have handled the situation when Bigger found out Mary was dead?
I would have handled the situation different from bigger in many ways. First I would not have tried to hide her body in the furnace and cut her head off so it would fit. I think this whole situation could have been avoided if bigger would have just admitted that it was an accident. He would still have gotten in trouble but not as much trouble as trying to hide it and get money for it. I also would not have told Bessie because now he got another person involved and her life was now over because if they got caught she was apart of it also. It also wasn’t a good idea to try and say she was kidnapped and get money for it because I think that he would have got caught anyway because they would either involve the police or when they went to drop off the money they would have someone watching to see who picks up the money. Basically, I think Bigger handled the situation all wrong and dug himself into a big whole that will ruin his life.

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