Tuesday, June 10, 2008
First, there’s the idea of having a family. George, and Lennie are often seen as brothers, or even cousins as George once said, but they would seem more like a family if they had a permanent home. It’s George’s dream to buy his own little farm, for himself and Lennie. When reading this book, they even invited Candy to join them because of his old age. Lennie is obsessed with tending with the rabbits, and possibly getting his own dog. George on the other hand will have a garden and basically run things. With their money all put together they desire a better life for themselves.
Alongside the ideal of family, fortune is also a theme of this great novel. The boss, for example still makes money regardless of being in a depression. When readers first meet him, he comes off as “bossy” because George and Lennie are a day late, and he needed work to be done. George explains that the bus driver was too lazy to drive them all the way, but is interrupted when the boss tells him he doesn’t give a damn. The only thing the boss is good for, is giving food, shelter and pay . His main priority is do the work, so you can make me money, no matter what it takes.
Fame, at times we all want it, believe it or not! A character in the book that probably wanted it more than anyone was in fact Curly’s wife. Being the only women on a ranch must get lonely at times, and all she wanted was someone to talk to. The guys see her as promiscuous, but in all honestly she just wanted a friend. She got a chance to have a friend when she talked to Lennie about her dreams. Lennie being the first person she ever told, she explained how she wanted to become a movie star, and a guy she met was going to make that happen. Being so naïve she believed him and it never happened. Because her dream of being a famous movie star never happened she’s stuck at a ranch being married to Curly. Maybe if her dream could’ve come true, she may actually have an identity!
Basically, Of Mice and Men is a novel about the American Dream which everyone wants. Money family and even fame. If you ever want to expand your horizons and read something very intelligent, read this book. It has a lot of drama and teaches you life lessons at the same time.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Of Mice And Men Motifs
Of Mice And Men Symbols (Grade)
Now, Everyone has a dream that they wish to come true. In Of Mice and Men Lennie, George, and Candy had a dream to own their own farm one day. The dream farm is a symbol. Its a symbol of peace and, success. To have their own farm meant that they would not have to deal with anyone else but them selves. They would be at peace in there own little harmony. Success would come from the ideal of being on their own. Being able to work for themselves, and not anybody else.
The next symbol I recognized is Curlies Wife. In the book she comes off as a very permiscuos girl who throws herself at every man she comes across. If you think about, its kind of like alot of young girls today. She meets a man who she thinks she loves and gives up all her hopes and dreams to be with him and in the long run she finally figures out that she isnt at all happy with the outcome of her life. However, she wasnt permiscuous at all, she was simply a lonely young girl seeking attention. When she couldnt get it from her husband she looked for it in anyone she cam across. When people actualyy gave her the time to talk instead of judging her, I noticed she simply wanted someone to talk to, and someone to care about her.
I even recognized a pet in the book as a symbol. Old man Candy's dog is a symbol. The dog is old, and helpless.The dog was stmelly and seemed as if he was going to fall out and die any minute. The men that knew Candy and his dog, figured that they should take the dog out of his misery. Candy being old his self, hesitated about this. But, eventually considered it. Candy's dog represents death and, the sadness of being useless. Since the dog was useless they killed him. Sadly thats how society looks at ederly. Old, useless, and smelly with no purpose. Also the dog could represent dreams that die. You try so hard for something but evetually it gets old and useless so you just forget about it.
After I finished reading Of Mice and Men I realized that life is full of symbols, much more than the signs we see in our everyday lives. Symbols can be people, a place, even a pet. Many Books do not have visual symbols, but things or places that represent as a symbol with meaning. This book was filled with symbols that represent peace, sucess, hope, oppurtunity, and even death.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Week 5 of service learning
Week 4 Of Service Learning
Week 3 of Service Learning
Week 2 Of Service Learning
Week 1 Service Learning
Friday was the first service learning meeting with Mrs.Klose. It was very interesting to see the photographs that Mrs.Klose took in New Orleans of the Katrina after math. She showed us the rebuilded parts of New Orleans first and than the parts that are still not fixed and look the same. It was very emotional to see this because many people lost everything and still had nothing after all this time. The homeless, the dead, the destroyed homes, and the broken hearts. Mrs.Klose showed us the part of New Orleans that was hit the most, this broke my heart. The houses were destroyed and there were many different marks on the houses that represented how many people died there. It was very sad. One house actually had buried a grandmother and a little grandaughter that died in the house in those exact spots. It was very sad. She also showed us the levies that broke and led the way for the tragedy. To me it seemed that they new it would happen because of the condition of that Levi. Even though they rebuild it, it doesn't even seem like it would with hold another tragedy like that. I really think people could be doing more for the Katrina victims because even after all these years later there are still many distraught families with nothing. Seeing the houses marked with how many bodies found in them brought tears to my eyes. In many houses the whole family was found dead. Imagine all the people that still haven't gotten back on their feet. The ones who live under the bridge, the ones lost, the ones who haven't found their families, the ones that lost their loved ones and all the places that have not been rebuild. This gives me inspiration to help them and help them grow.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Of Mice and Men Quiz
In my opinion Candy's dog represents many thing. The dog represents dreams dying. Once your dream was young fresh and exciting. But after fighting for it for so long and you never achieve it its old and useless. Its like someone just shot your dreams in the back of the head and kilt all your hopes.
2.Why do you think the Arthur choose to make Lennie the way he is?
I think the author choose to make Lennie big and slow because it represents something. It represents all the people in the world with a handicap that are discriminated against.
Carlson's motives behind killing the dog was the fact that the dog was old and useless and he could not move.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
News Aricle
Monday, March 3, 2008
Chapter Analysis
Cover up Fight: pg. 36-41
Friday, February 29, 2008
Service Learning Ideas
NHD Reflection
Bloom Taxonomy Questions
1.How many people are living in the small apartment with Bigger?
There are 4 people living in the apartment, Bigger, Vera, Buddy, and Ma.
2.What do you think would have happened if Bigger and the gang robbed Old Blum?
If Bigger and the gang robbed Old Blum I think they would have gotten caught because Gus would have done something wrong since he was so nervous and they would end up in jail?
3. What questions would you ask Bigger if you were Mr. Dalton after Mary went missing?
If I was Mr. Dalton I would want to know everything Mary and Jan did that night, every place they went, how much they drank, what they talked about and what time they got back.
4. What was the turning point for Bigger when he didn’t feel “fear” anymore?
I think that the turning point for bigger is after he killed Mary because he felt power for the first time. I believe he felt power because not only did he kill someone but also he killed a white woman and no one would think a black man would have the courage to do that.
5. What would you have done different than Bigger when he brought Mary home that night and killed?
The night Bigger killed Mary I would have done everything different. When Mrs. Dalton came into the room I think the whole thing could have been avoided simply by telling Mrs. Dalton the truth. He could have just said that Mary was out with Jan and she got drunk and couldn’t make it up the stairs by herself so he carried her to the room. I think Mrs. Dalton would have understood and everything would have been ok. Since Bigger decided different he created more problems for himslef because when they found out Bigger was in Marys room not only would he be acused of murder but they would acuse him of rape. Not just any rape, raping a white woman.
6. How would you have handled the situation when Bigger found out Mary was dead?
I would have handled the situation different from bigger in many ways. First I would not have tried to hide her body in the furnace and cut her head off so it would fit. I think this whole situation could have been avoided if bigger would have just admitted that it was an accident. He would still have gotten in trouble but not as much trouble as trying to hide it and get money for it. I also would not have told Bessie because now he got another person involved and her life was now over because if they got caught she was apart of it also. It also wasn’t a good idea to try and say she was kidnapped and get money for it because I think that he would have got caught anyway because they would either involve the police or when they went to drop off the money they would have someone watching to see who picks up the money. Basically, I think Bigger handled the situation all wrong and dug himself into a big whole that will ruin his life.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
2.Roosevelt, Eleanor, (June 12, 1995). Selected Writing of Eleanor Roosevelt. http://womenshistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=womenshistory&cdn=education&tm=371&f=00&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//newdeal.feri.org/er/er10.htm
3. Imbornoni, Ann-Marie, ( Dec 20) Women’s Rights Movement in the U.S http://www.infoplease.com/spot/womenstimeline1.html
4.Liddington, Jill. Rebel Girls: How Votes for Women Changed Edwardian Live.
5. Nelson, Carolyn, C. Literature of the Women’s Suffrage Compaign in England
6. Arthur, Max. Forgotten Voices of the Great War: A New History of WWI in the Words of the Men and Women who were there
7. Clark, Amanda, (1986). London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1986
8. (2001-2007). Fashion Era.com.
9. Thesander, Marianne. The Feminine Ideal. Rathbone Reaktion books Ltd. Place, London WIP IDE, UK 1997.
10. http://www.hairarchives.com/private/1920s.htm
The Bob by Michael Warner Music Courtesy of Bill Edwards*
1920's Hairstyles Penny Williams – Stylist ©Hairfinder.com
12.http://www.1920-30.com/fashion/hairstyles/1920s-hairstyles.html 1920's Hairstyling and Design -
Copyright Rights © 2005 1920-30.com All Rights Reserved
Thursday, January 10, 2008
NHD Topic Essay
How did fashion help women gain there independence after the revolutionary war? When you think about women gaining independence most likely fashion does not come to mind. However fashion played a major roll for women gaining independence. This was the starting point for the women of the United States of America slowly but surely gain there independence.
During the revolutionary war while the men were off fighting, the women were left back at home with no choice but to step up and take on the roles of the men in order to survive and provide for their families. Since women were playing the part as men they finally began to wear the pants in the household, literally. In these days it was tradition for women to wear long dresses that covered the ankles. It was unheard of for a woman to wear pants. It was considered a crime for women to expose themselves. This was the starting point of a long journey for women on the path of gaining independence. Soon after the war more and more women started to wear pants and shorter dresses exposing their ankles. Women were even supposed to wear long plastic dresses as swimsuits. There has been many court cases where women were being arrested for the way they dressed, simply showing their ankle. How ever this did not stop them and they continued on fighting for independence, even through fashion.
I choose this topic because I thought it would be a unique way to show how women gained independence. Women have done so many things on the path of gaining independence; however it has never been looked at through a fashion point of view. The way women dress today has definitely changed compared to the traditional women from back then. This topic relates to this years National History Day theme because the conflict would be women not being able to express their self freely by wearing what they wanted and the compromise being women taking a stand for what they believed in and slowly beginning to gain their independence simply by the way they dressed.